Friday, June 29, 2012

Random Thoughts From Home!

I am so excited that Nolan will begin playing soccer this Fall! Another generation of Mitchell's on the socceer field. I love watching the game and  if we lived closer you can bet we'd be at every game! I'll be there in spirit for sure!
I found out my grades for this last quarter of school. I received a 3.5, a 3.9 and a 4.0! Tell the grandchildren that it's never too late to learn new things and that I'm having the time of my life discovering the joys of education!
Jordan and Ginanne have just a little over a week left before they head out on their new adventure. I'm sure proud of both of them for all the hard work and effort they put into achieving Jordan's teaching degree and now they step out into the world ready to conquer Arizona! Go San Luis Sidewinders! This little family is going to do great!
Dad's garden is doing great and he's almost got my strawberry patch finished. Can't wait to post pictures! I start volunteering at West Central Community Center next Thursday working with Mrs. Fowler doing storytime with the children. This will be a great opportunity to apply some of what I've learned in my classes. Can't wait!
Have a great week and we'll talk to each of you soon!
Love, Mom