Sunday, August 30, 2009

So we are still working on saving our $1000! Trouble is most of our income is already budgeted so I had to go back to Dave Ramsey's book and get inspired. He talks about the power of focus and I realize that we need to FOCUS with a capital 'F'. So here's the plan, Dad gives me $110 every two weeks for groceries. My mission and 'I do choose to accept it' is to whittle that down to $60 every two weeks with the extra going into our savings. I'll let you know how it goes!!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Congratulations to
Brady for making
Eagle and thanks
to Dad for helping
all 4 boys make

Happy Happy Happy 3rd Birthday
to our wonderful Nolan Mitchell!
What a great and amazing young
boy and we send lots of love and
birthday wishes to you.
We love you so much and send
hugs and kisses!!!
Grandma and Grandpa Mitchell

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

What beautiful children! And what a great reunion! It did get me thinking thought as each of you are at different points in your lives, obtaining an education, saving for homes, buying a home and saving for school. I just want to share with you the great ideas on getting out of debt in the book, The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey that Jordan and Ginanne gave us. Dad and I are doing the first baby step, that is we are saving $1000 for our emergency fund. I would encourage each of you to do whatever it takes to make sure you have this fund. It just takes one car repair, one medical issue, one broken appliance to set you back. If you have this emergency fund you don't have to worry about where the money will come from. So I challenge each of you to take this baby step. It may take weeks or months. But you won't regreat it. I'll keep you updated on how we're doing!