Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Shopping for Bargains!
I went to Cash & Carry this morning. It's a bulk product place that I really enjoy. But here too, you have to make sure you're getting the best deal. For instance, C&C has a 5-lb block of Tillamook cheese for $17.87. Not a great deal but usually here you'll find a good deal on cheese. However, I noticed in the Yoke's ad this week they have a 2-lb baby Tillamook for $6.99. That would be $16.50 for 5 lbs worth. I would never pay this much for cheese anyway but it's an example of making sure you're paying the least amount. I ended up buying a 5-lb bag of shredded cheddar Jack for $9.98! Whoo-hoo! I also bought a 50 lb bag of flour for which I paid $13.87. The last time I bought flour was back in 2010 and I paid $11.69 for 50-lbs. How do I remember these things? I don't. I use a price book which some of you will recognize as an idea from The Tightwad Gazette. Mine is just half sheets of paper which has been used on one side. I hole punched it and started keeping track of main groceries I buy. Because of my book I know that I used to pay $3.75 for a #10 can of pizza sauce at C&C. Now I pay $4.39 for the same can. I like comparing the past to the present and keeping track where I got the best price for a product. I also bought 2 #10 cans of tomato sauce and 1 #10 can of tomato paste. I'll be canning spaghetti sauce soon and I'll post my recipe on my other blog. I paid about $11.00 for all three cans and should get about 14 quarts or more of sauce.
Happy thrifty shopping and here's to 'a penny saved, a penny earned'!
Love Mom

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Random Thoughts from Home!
Ever since I read Lindsay's blog and saw Nolan's picture of his garden I've started getting excited for Spring! Dad's started a new raised flower bed for me in the northeast corner of the backyard and that meant using the dirt from my raised strawberry patch. But this year I'm going to take my sister Patty's amazing strawberry patch idea and put it in my garden. I'll share pictures as soon as we get going. Patty is an amazing gardener! And she shares her bounty of veggies and flowers with me. She makes my yard look good. Isn't it amazing how you never realize the gifts of your siblings until you're older? But thank you Nolan for your inspiring picture. You are wonderful and you are a great artist! Hurry up Spring!
Grandma Mitchell